14_01_05.1Dear Friends and Family of LCC,


When I was a kid, I would have a hard time going to sleep if something exciting was happening the next day.  It would be that way when my cousins came to town to go to Six Flags.  They would stay at our house and we would get up in the morning early and get to Six Flags before the gates opened to get a good place in line.  Then when the gates opened we would run straight to our favorite ride, usually the log ride (Log Ride Video from 1971) or one of the roller coasters, to ride as many times as we could before it got crowded and the lines were long.

That kind of “can’t sleep” excitement has not happened as much as an adult, but it happened to me on New Year’s Eve.  Not the excited about going to Six Flags part, but the I am so excited I can not sleep part.  I was laying there in bed till about 2:30am thinking about what God was going to do at LCC in 2014.

I am excited.  

Lives are being changed, believers are maturing in their faith, and people are getting baptized.

I am excited about Sunday being first Sunday Communion.

I am excited about what I am going to be teaching the first few Sundays of 2014.  (There Are Two I’s In TEAM)

And Sunday I will be introducing you to our “Building Team” and we will be praying for them and the church. Their task is  To lead and guide the process, from start to finish, of expanding the facilities of Life Connection Church in order to maximize usage of our current property to support the growth of our church and her ministries.”  

Yes it’s time….

Please be at church on Sunday, the first Sunday of the year.  I love worshiping with the LCC family.

Thanks so much for those of you who are part of the LCC family and thanks those who do not go to LCC but have been friends and supporter to me and our church.  

If you are looking for a church home.  Come on .. If you have not been to church in awhile, we will welcome you and extend our love.

Join us for a great Sunday….. And bring a friend….


Thanks and God Bless.. Your Brotha from anotha motha

