Devotional – Kill Anger With A Kindness

Did you know our brains are wired to respond to emotion with like emotions.  It’s easy for most of us to pick up on a person’s sadness and feel a little, or a lot sad.

It is so easy to be kind to someone who is being kind to you. Right?

And it’s just as easy, no easier, to respond to anger with anger.

What does God say about that? Pro 15:1

Respond gently when you are confronted
and you’ll defuse the rage of another.
Responding with sharp, cutting wordswill only make it worse.
Don’t you know that being angry can ruin the testimony of even the wisest of men?

I hear people say I can’t help it, or he deserves it.

As Christians, we are representing Jesus.

If you are not a Christian, anger causes you anxiety and way more problems than you would have is you responded with kindness. 

Remember people listen to you when you are kind.

As a believer, it will make you feel better because you are being obedient to God.  And you will be a great influence for Jesus.

My name is Royal and I am pastor of Life Connection Church in Euless Texas.  If you are in our area and you do not have a church home, be my guest on Sundays at 10:00.

You can find out more about Life Connection Church at LifeConnectionChurch.Org

God Bless.  I will see you next time.