Did Jesus Descend Into Hell? Series: I Believe In – The Apostles’ Creed pt 6

  1. What’s the scariest movie you have ever seen? Why do you think people like scary movies?
  2. What point in this message was most impactful for you?   How did this message challenge, change, or affirm your thinking? How will you put into practice what you’ve learned today?
  3. What is the scariest thing about dying?  Has the fear of dying ever made you stop doing something you were doing? What?
  4. Ps 139:7-8 – What does the Psalmist say about our relationship with God?
  5. How does Col 2:15 inspire, encourage you or strengthen your faith?
  6. Eph 4:8-10 – What does this verse mean to you? 
  7. Luke 23:41-43 – What happened in this conversation between Jesus and the other two on the cross?  When did Jesus say he would be with him in paradise?
  8. 1 John 3:8, Heb 2:15, John 16:11 – What do these verses say about Jesus and the devil?
  9. Rom 8:1- What is your status with God if you are in Christ? 
  10.  What is one thing this group can pray for you this week?