I guess I am due a movie review or comment.  I usually look at reviews on Christianity Today to give some insight to readers of e-Royal.  I think the Bible teaches we are to be careful what we put in our minds.  We do have the freedom to watch what we want, but according to Scripture, and to experience, it is not wise to put certain things in our minds.  You know, the whole, would you sit down and watch this movie with Jesus. 

Lisa and I love movies.  We go often and we are careful to check out what we can about a flick before we go.  I will usually not go to most R-rated movies because of some of the evil and the in your face sex.  I will go to some Rs that may be historical and a cuss word or two along with violence.  But for the most part, a red flag goes up with the R rating.  PG-13 that are rude and crude trying to be funny are usually avoided also. 

You can argue these choices with me all you want….But how do you take a Scripture verse like, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Rom 12:2.  And there are plenty of other references in Scripture as to what we make important or study in our life.  We know honestly, and spiritually, we are affected by what we put in our minds.  If we can choose good or bad, why not choose good.

The “Watchman” movie is a comic book movie.  There are parents who will send their kids off to see it for that alone.  And there are Christians who will go because it must be ok because it is just a comic book.  But if we are being careful what we put in our minds because we are Christians, I would say this is not a movie to see.

In Russ Breimeier’s review for Christianity Today, he writes in the family corner, which does not come to the fourth and last page of the review;  Watchmen is rated R for strong graphic violence, sexuality, nudity, and language. Take the rating very seriously, as it applies the superhero genre to a gritty, real world environment. The fight scenes are graphically depicted with broken bones and spurting blood—in one particularly nasty scene, a thug’s arms are sawed off. There’s plenty of nudity, most notably Dr. Manhattan, a ghostly-looking CGI generated superhero often depicted fully nude. The sexuality involves a couple of very adult scenes involving intercourse, as well as an attempted rape. And the language runs the gamut from the f-bomb to misusing God’s name. This may be a movie about comic book characters, but it’s definitely not for kids and sensitive viewers.

As far as Rated-R movies with nudity, sex, evil, and graphic violence goes, Russ rates this movie 3.5 out of 4 stars.

You can read the review here………