I went to the Doctor the other day.  After waiting to see him for about 35 minutes past my appointment time, which I hear is not bad now days, he spent 5 minutes with me and then asked, “Do you have any questions?”  To which I replied, “No.”  Whenever I come home from the doctor Lisa says something like, “Did you ask him about this…or Did you ask him about that…”  My answer is always, “No–I didn’t think of that.”  I tell her if she wants more info she should come with me.  Not!!!

There is a television ad campaign produced by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services called “Questions are the Answer“.   They have some funny commercials of very inquisitive people asking all kinds of questions at restaurants and when buying electronic equipment, and the when they go to their doctor, they don’t ask questions.

This is really a good site.  They have a basic list of ten questions one should ask and then some customized questions to fit your situation or your reason for the doctor visit.

The basics are:

  • What is the test for?
  • How many times have you done this?
  • When will I get the results?
  • Why do I need this surgery?
  • Are there any alternatives to surgery?
  • What are the possible complications?
  • Which hospital is best for my needs?
  • How do you spell the name of that drug?
  • Are there any side effects?
  • Will this medicine interact with medicines that I’m already taking?
  •  Check out the site here…It is a good site to mark in your favorites….. “Questions are the Answer